Kenny Lozeau

A New York City-based full-stack software engineer with a background in aerospace engineering and consumer technology


I am a full-stack software engineer with experience working in multiple stacks, with most of my experience coming from Ruby on Rails supporting a React/Redux frontend and from the MERN stack.

  • Ruby on Rails
  • JavaScript
  • React/Redux
  • Node.js
  • HTML 5
  • CSS 3
  • PostgreSQL
  • Git

Additional skills Python, Express.js, MongoDB, Mongoose, Firebase, jQuery, AWS, Heroku, Webpack, RSpec, TDD



Listed below are some highlights of my recent full-stack and JavaScript projects. All images can be enlarged with a click. Reach out if you have any questions!


A single-page full-stack clone of Hipcamp, allowing users to browse, search for, and book campsites

Live Site | GitHub Repo

  • Implemented custom user authentication on both the frontend and backend, cleanly and temporarily rendering any authentication errors to maintain a lightweight user experience
  • Developed a flexible search bar utilizing Google Geocoder API integrated with Google Maps API to render campsite search results dynamically-filtered by location to allow users to explore nearby campsites on a map
  • Created a novel method for handling invalid reservation date submissions through the integration of original logic and Airbnb’s react-dates datepicker library, curating a seamless booking workflow


An original arcade-style JavaScript game rendered with HTML Canvas in which players pilot a flying saucer with the goal of collecting specimens from Earth while avoiding guided missiles

Live Site | GitHub Repo

  • Designed all graphics rendering with dynamic frame-rate using HTML Canvas in order to ensure smooth gameplay as the speed of the animations increase with level
  • Built custom collision detection capable of changing behavior depending on gameplay, which allows players to interact with objects in complex ways, such as throwing and catching for bonus points


Live Site | GitHub Repo

A MERN stack team project allowing users to create email reminders for taking care of their houseplants

  • Partnered with backend lead to create and integrate bespoke frontend user authentication, ensuring data encryption using JSON Web Tokens
  • Devised and incorporated an email-based notification system as the basis of the plantr app, utilizing SendGrid as an email server with Node Schedule to handle future notifications
  • Administered all aspects of production deployment using Heroku, including managing use of all third-party API keys, ensuring plantr’s server remains online with constant up-time

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